
walking home from work

Walking back from work (on Conn. Ave) the other day I walked past a bus stop where two guys were sitting. I was in my work clothes, but nothing fancy, and as I walked past the little place where you wait for the bus, the guys banged on the plastic separating me and them and shouted "heyyy babbyy lookin' good wanna come on this bus ride with us?!" I ignored them and kept walking... but what is it about guys that they think that's okay? I mean honestly, what would they have me do, stop and say "oh okay, that sounds like fun, where you going?"


Cameron said...

I actually had a similar experience, and it was so offensive. I was walking last year from Thurston to Crepeaway at about 12:30 AM with three of my female friends. We were completely sober...we had just wanted some crepes and so we thought we would all go together. We were walking down the street when a car pulled over with three guys in it, and they said, "Hey, we're goin to a bachelor party and we need some hoes!"

...wow, what a nice invitation. Gee, I've always wanted to be some random guys' "ho". Were we approached because we were out late at night? We weren't wearing "suggestive" clothing; in fact, I remember that I was wearing sweatpants.

I feel like a lot of times we look at our own behavior- I was in a bad area, I was wearing suggestive clothing, I was alone....yet in this instance I was doing NONE of these things. So why are we targeted/approached?

Anonymous said...

I don't get why men do that. I think they like to see the expressions on girls faces. I don't think they actually think it's going to work. Seriously, does anyone every actually respond to the whistles and hollering? I actually think the men that do this would be very surprised if the girl who was walking by that the whistled at stopped in her tracks, turned to him and said "Hey, I'm so glad you whistled at me... let's get some drinks!" The reason men do this is to make women feel uncomfortable, probably because they know that the woman they are whistling at is really not interested at all, and the only way they can get any quick reaction or acknowledgement is by being obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

I have had many an experience like this, and it usually happens when I'm coming home from dance class. One time, I stopped at a gas station on my way home to get gatorade and I was wearing a leotard and tights that I had thrown a tank top over with some shorts. The guy that was pumping gas when I walked by noticeably checked out my ass and started grunting at me like a pig. I was totally disgusted. Then, when I walked out of the store he tried to talk to me, and when I ignored him he got pissed off and called me and "icy bitch". I was so offended I couldn't even think of a response. Like, I'm sorry that I don't want to talk about my ass with you, ok?

Elizabeth said...

I tend to get the most cat calls when exercising outside (i.e. going for a run). one time in specific I was running in my town and ran past some construction workers who started whistling, hooting, and hollering.
Also, I studied abroad in Chile and the cat calls I received there were ten times worse than in the U.S. When I walked by a man they would say things like "preciosa" (precious) or "mamacita" and look me up and down. it was really uncomfortable.

LBora said...

It seems to be a trend that no matter how your dressed that a women is an easy target for these gross comments. So it brings up the question how does this stop? What really confusses me is why these comments are said in the first place, so women really respond? I highly doubt that these "invites" such as being a guys hoe are ever excepted, so why do they still do it?

Anonymous said...

Catcalls/hoots/honks etc often happen when I'm running. In fact, in high school, my cross country/track team mates and I used to actually count each day how many we'd get, and it was ridiculous. I always get SO startled when I get honked at! It's definitely annoying but not as bad as when you see somebody on the street actually look you up and down and stuff which makes me VERY uncomfortable.

This happens a lot going to and from downtown (where the bars are). But I guess my friends and I usually dressed in attire that would be appropriate for bars... which isn't necessarily so great for walking around the street...

Sometimes, when I get cat called, especially when I'm looking TRIFE, but even when I'm dressed for going out and stuff, I feel like I'm being made fun of.

Jackie Marks said...

I feel like this unwanted attention can manifest either negatively or positively. Recently I had a negative experience.
I was walking to Lucky bar with a few other friends, including my best friend from home who was visiting from out of town. We passed two guys and they asked us "where's the party at?" we replied with "I don't know" and kept walking. They continued to follow us for approximately 4 blocks and I could tell my friend was uncomfortable. They kept badgering us about where we were going...we needed to change our route in order to get rid of these guys. It was just an awkward and unnecessary part of our night I wish hadn't happened.
Another time which I recall laughing at an occasion where guys were hooting and hollering at me was this past summer in NY. I had to pick something up for work and passed this construction site with a bunch of guys sitting on the curb for lunch. When I walked past the first time they looked at me and whispered among themselves. Then I had to walk back a couple minutes later and one of the guys got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. (I was wearing a button down and pants..nothing fancy). I laughed and it was all in good fun.
The difference in these cases is when men say things that are sexual or put pressure on you(like when they followed us) and those situations make you uncomfortable. Other times you just have to laugh and go along with the joke.

Veronica Corningstone said...

I totally understand why these types of comments upset people and I agree that they can be offensive but I must say it really doesn't bother me at all. Clearly these guys aren't choosey about who they talk to and I certainly doubt they actually expect someone to stop what theyre doing and take them up on their charming offers, so as far as I'm concerned it's just more noise. I ignore sirens and car horns both of which are annoying and distracting; I think of cat-calls the same way. They're just background noise. Ive gotten so good at ignoring them that at this point I often don't even notice it happens until a friend points it out. And I know it is waaaaayy more common for guys to do this, but I've heard women do it too.

this is ladies night

washington, dc, United States
Have you ever been walking down the street and been hollered at, or perhaps been beeped at by a car - or whistled at while waiting for your ride? We know what it feels like and we want YOU to know that WE'RE RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. Share your experiences here. Share your stories, your reactions, your reflections... maybe your message will help someone else.